floating light crystals

As evidenced by a few of my pieces from this class, I love crystalline, geometric shapes, so it was no surprise that this article caught my eye. Her works in the series “Incandescence” feature crystal forms being suspended in the air within various natural environments. The way the artist uses texture, light, and depth is…

sticker doodles

My roommate and long time friend, Sam Lee, is an extremely talented illustrator. She combines her love of art and dogs and creates incredibly cute dog stickers for pet owners. This business of hers has been quite successful, especially after advertising it in the freshman class Facebook group at the beginning of the school year….

new fears

“New Fears” has recently been created by the illustrator and cartoonist named Anuj Shrestha. This risograph printed zine features images that represent many of our anxieties today. Combining the simplicity and childlike connotations associated with comics, with the dark, dystopian subject, these pictures emit a very eerie and haunting, yet unresistable feeling. https://www.anujink.com/books#/new-fears/

Shigeo Fukuda, visual trickster

Fukuda’s works are illusions. The featured photo is of his ‘Underground Piano.’ He broke down a piano and “reassembled” it so that if the viewer stood in a certain place in the room and looked in the mirror’s reflection, the piano would look whole. James Geary describes Fukuda’s art: “They play practical jokes on the…

crowded fields

Pelle Cass has compiled a fascinating series of images he has put together from taking pictures at sports events. He takes a bunch of shots of the field or court from the same angle and combines chosen figures into one picture to make a “still time-lapse”. This collection of photographs is so fun and dynamic,…

spontaneous sculptures

Dylan Gebbia-Richard’s work consists mostly of realistically textured landscapes and structures. However, he truly puts his own twist on his colorfully mesmerizing pieces as he uses original tools and continuously makes spontaneous choices in the process of creating his sculptures. His pieces are breathtaking and I love the mix of real and imaginary aspects contained…


Shaun Hill is a graphic designer and illustrator that designed the logo and menus for a new restaurant in Johannesburg, South Africa called BABA G. The bright, pleasant colors caught my eye as well as the bold patterns in the merchandise. His goal was to represent the restaurant using a fun and contemporary brand while…

the rhysonic wheel

As a young child, Pete O’Connell had a bike with hockey cards attached to it that made a rhythmic sound as he rode. Years later, this simple sound became his inspiration to create his Rhysonic Wheel- an instrument comprised of power tools and a self-spinning wheel that produces very impressive Indie-rock music as shown in…